I’m Sasjkia Otto, and I want to represent YOU as your Labour MP

I can’t walk away from a problem without fixing it at its roots. So I have worked hard to earn positions where I can help create a better future.

I currently work at a think tank, where I develop policies on ways to improve conditions for workers and the self-employed, and security in retirement.

I previously worked as a senior manager in the civil service, where I have legislated, secured investment and represented my country internationally to deliver infrastructure to neglected communities and place the UK at the forefront of new technological developments.

In the private sector as a consultant, I have advised multinational companies on transitioning from fossil fuels and developing healthcare systems fit for the future.

This is personal for me. I know what insecurity feels like and I can’t sit by and watch it spread. I left home at 18, from difficult circumstances. I lived in a hostel, walking between high street shops asking for work. I lost my first job - a zero-hours contract in a restaurant - because I didn’t know it wasn’t appropriate to drink green tea with milk! I had 30 addresses before I finally managed to buy my own home. It was a proud moment but it was incredibly difficult, and I see how even people who have worked hard all their lives are getting stuck in the most unfair ways. When trying to see a doctor. Earn a decent living. Start a family. And retire while there is still life to enjoy.

For me, the promise of a Labour government means restoring the link between doing the right thing and doing well.

The kind of MP I will be

  • Being accessible

    I will hold regular digital drop-in surgeries and in-person meetings in different parts of the constituency, so you can get the help you need close to home.

  • Collaboration

    I will seek your input before I make decisions that affect you.

  • Transparency

    I will serve you with integrity, honesty and transparency by providing regular updates on my work in Parliament and the constituency, and putting my country and constituents before my party.

  • Embracing the future

    I will keep learning and use the latest proven techniques and technologies to serve constituents and solve the problems facing New Forest East efficiently and effectively.